InstaAds - Coming To The Smartphones Near You

InstaAds - Coming To The Smartphones Near You


Instagram meme Our Instagram selfies are about to face some serious competition - Instagram is about to introduce sponsored posts. It means that the selfie newsfeed will be brutally (or - subtly - at the beginning of the ads roll-out) interrupted by brands' content that we did not intend to see.

Mashable's poll reveals that around 42% of the respondents are disappointed about the upcoming novelty, 25% are indifferent and 16% are furious. When one's been doing some serious self-promotion among friends on Instagram for free, naturally, it's hard to accept that the time to pay has come..

For the 6% of Instagram users who are 'pleased' and almost 3% of those who feel 'ecstatic' - the sponsored posts are promised to be creative and engaging. And we will have an option to tap it 'down' if we do not find them such. I personally am interested to see how brands will get Insta-creative. And I hope that Instagram didn't waste the data it has been collecting about us - and the posts will be personalised. Enough speculation though - I'm on Insta-standby now and in the words of Mashable's editors - ecstatic about the ads.

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